Sunday, August 19, 2012

Scientologist Mafia

I share electricity as well, and yes i am Zeus.
Better known as Athena.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Roman Wall

what is a wall?
a wall is basically a shield, much like how the romans used to shields themselves against the germans

what is an example of a wall?
when you go to the doctor's and get your blood pressure checked, the device is connected to the wall
what does that mean?  the doctor uses the same blood pressure checking device on everyone
and spreads skin cells from people to people to help develop a better skin immune system

much like how the mosquito spreads viruses!


Monday, July 9, 2012

Chinese Enigma Answered

how does the chinese economy work (not japanese economy):

the chinese economy has more imported jobs than india
cause they have a larger population than anywhere else
bigger population means more people looking for work meaning
persons working for lesser pay

lesser pay means more imported jobs or outsourcing from other nations
they also make people work harder than western nations for lesser money
but at least they invest more in their own people than foreigners
